Phiaro - Partner since 2017
The communication between Phiaro Group and Xtalin started in summer 2017. Phiaro Group is a Japanese design development company founded in 1939. Today their main interests are automotive, motorcycle and industrial R&D. The joint work started early in 2018 with component procurement work, and a preliminary concept design for a vehicle. During personal meetings in Hungary, Phiaro could get an insight into our ongoing and closed projects (with the permission of our partners), such as the converted Mazda MX-5 EV, several kind of self-developed industrial electronics.
To strengthen the connection between the two company and to learn from each other, Phiaro offered the opportunity to not only visit them in Japan but join them and work at their company for a few months. Therefore, a guest engineer project came alive, for what we are very grateful and committed.
In 2019, Phiaro decided to welcome two Xtalin employees in Japan for three months separately, helping – or to be more specific – working on Phiaro’s ongoing tasks and projects that fits into our profile. Getting know each other’s culture, working habits and standards have a huge benefit on working together from the other side of Earth.
Thanks to the great relationship, our engineers are working together ever since, collaborating in newer and newer projects and ideas. They make use of our accumulated knowledge in the field of custom electronics and vehicles.
Phiaro’s motto is “Strive for No.1”.
Xtalin always strives for the best, therefore we want to show that, with the expertise of our engineers from complementary fields, we are prepared for the most difficult problems. With Phiaro we are ready to reach higher performance than ever before.