With the co-funding of the European Union, the Crystal Clear Electronics course materials will be available in video format in English and Hungarian languages! Our partnership has been awarded a grant under the Erasmus Plus Programme KA2 Partnership Programme (2022-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000086440) for the implementation of the project.


Goals of the Project

By digitalizing education, video content has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of time spent by educators, while at the same time providing a high degree of support for individual preparation tailored to the needs of students. The English version allows its use throughout the European Union. The step-by-step solution of the example tasks is followed through the material, so that students/groups who do not have access to a tool and equipment kit can see the technical solutions being developed, even if they cannot try it themselves. In the video lessons, the presenters also add examples from their own experience to some of the more relevant parts, both to help the material sink in and to make it more interesting and entertaining.

Our indirect aim is to provide students with knowledge that will help them to make informed career choices and to enter and complete their studies in engineering higher education.


The "Crystal Clear Universe"

Crystal Clear Electronics Videos creates a system that can be used in a wide range of applications, which its developers refer to amongst themselves as the "Crystal Clear Universe". Interoperable parts help you master the key elements of embedded electronics development:

    1. Theoretical backgrounds
    2. Operation of instruments
    3. Types of components and their use
    4. Programming 8-bit microcontrollers
    5. Interfacing peripherals
    6. Programming 32-bit ARM microcontrollers
    7. Use of embedded operating systems



Mobile App:

    • Languages: English and Hungarian
    • For Android and iOS platforms
    • Full content of the curriculum in a screen-adaptive way (especially recommended for use on tablets)
    • Datasheets for each curriculum section, organized in PDF format
    • All Crystal Clear Electronics videos from the end of the project will be available linked to the chapters

Social Media:


Who is it for?

The Crystal Clear Electronics Universe is seen by many of its creators as a minor life's work, since for them the three projects represent a total of 7.5 years of work, and with enough time they can be used to learn a significant proportion of electronics/electrical/mechatronics engineering.

The videos and the complete course material are wholeheartedly recommended to everyone, be it a student, a teacher, an enthusiast, a professional looking to refresh their knowledge!

The videos facilitate individual learning and in case of courses, the preparation of both teacher and students, leaving more time for experimentation and essential practice.


Our Partnership

Phiaro Technologies Ltd. is the leader of the international consortium of Crystal Clear Electronics Videos, responsible for the financial and professional management of the project, the development of the multilingual video content, and the dissemination of the results as widely as possible.

The other members of the partnership are 2 high schools and 1 high school foundation (1 Hungarian, 1 Romanian, 1 Slovakian). Their main tasks are to test the curriculum in the framework of study groups and international educational events, to identify problems and deficiencies, to discuss them with the coordinator suggestions for improvement, and to participate actively in the dissemination of the curriculum, which is essential.



The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.